We're All Valued Equally
WAVE for Change is about encouraging and enabling mixed-ability friendships. We want to see more people with and without learning disabilities mixing and having fun together in the heart of our communities.
We connect, encourage and support those who want to see vibrant mixed-ability social and worship groups in their communities.
During our service, a visual timetable is used – this is explained at the beginning of the service.
The service is a short, simple one with songs using Makaton as well as the words projected on a screen.
There can be drama, art and craft activities taking place, the whole service is simple, interactive and fun!
The service is always accompanied by coffee and cake!
You are very welcome to join us!
For more information, please call one of the Team on: 07770 792 419
Circuit Office
c/o Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Carmel Road South
Darlington DL3 8DJ