Darlington & Teesdale Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Darlington and Teesdale
Methodist Circuit

Regular Activities

haughton afternoon tea

Craft and Chat. Craft and Chat meets on alternate Thursdays from 2pm to 3.30pm. This is an informal opportunity to do your craft whilst enjoying friendly company and a cup of tea or coffee.

Eastbourne Homemakers. Eastbourne Methodist Homemakers meet fortnightly on Tuesdays at 7.30pm. Each evening begins with a short time of devotion which is followed by a speaker. Speakers range from talking about an interest, a holiday, an organisation or a charity. We end with refreshments and a time for a chat.

Monthly Saturday Coffee Morning. On 2nd Saturday of the month, we hold a Coffee morning from 10-11:30am with bacon butties on offer. We also have a cake and bric-a-brac stall held at the same time.

Souper Thursday. (September 2019 – May 2020) On alternate Thursdays from 12noon – 1:3pm we offer a light lunch of tasty home-made soup (served with bread) and /or a pudding with a cup of tea or coffee to follow. (All soup is vegetarian.) The costs: soup £1.50 / pudding £1.50 / tea/coffee 50p – prices as at September 2019. Everyone is welcome

Bible Study. An informal Bible Study is held once a month, usually on the second Monday of the month. We meet at 7.15pm for a cuppa and a biscuit and the study session starts at 7.30pm finishing at 8.30pm

For information about any of these projects, please email: haughton@darlingtoncircuit.org.uk


Registered Charity no. 1132005

Get In Touch

Circuit Office
c/o Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Carmel Road South
Darlington DL3 8DJ

Circuit Map

© 2024 – Darlington and Teesdale Methodist Circuit