Darlington & Teesdale Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Darlington and Teesdale
Methodist Circuit

Activities at Elm Ridge


The Prayer Group meets on Tuesday mornings at 10am in the Prayer Room; everyone is welcome. If you have a prayer request please let the Church Office know or contact one of the presbyters or church stewards. You can also put your request on the Prayer Board in the main corridor. All are welcome as we prepare for worship and pray for the whole Church family.

The Elm Ridge Worship Group
The members of Elm Ridge's congregation have differing tastes in the styles of musical worship they prefer. Consequently, we enjoy a variety of musical styles in our worship. Hymns and songs are generally taken from Singing the Faith (STF) and Complete Mission Praise (CMP), although other sources are also used. The Elm Ridge Worship Group (singers and instrumentalists) regularly provides music in a variety of styles for services and other events in church and further afield. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. New members are always welcome. Contact Louise MacDougall (details available from the church office).

Women's Fellowship
Women's Fellowship meets on a Wednesday afternoon in the church hall. The meeting starts at 2.30pm with notices and a short 5-10 minute devotion prior to an invited speaker, demonstrator, presenter. We finish around 4pm having had informal chit-chat over a cup of tea and a biscuit. The programme is varied including topics covering the locality of Darlington to far flung places around the world. Demonstrations and practical sessions are included along with some performance style presentations.

Men's Fellowship
The group meets on alternate Thursdays in the Harroway Room at 7:30pm. The meetings generally include talks, discussion and entertainment with different topics led by visiting speakers. Occasional supper evenings and demonstrations are held during the programme. New faces are always welcome at any time.

House Groups
Elm Ridge has House Groups which are held at various times from Monday to Thursday and Sunday evenings in members' homes. These are an opportunity to get together and discuss topics in an informal way, whilst getting to know each other in a more relaxed atmosphere. If you would like more information, please contact the Church office. The House Groups meet fortnightly.

Coffee Drop-in
10-11.30am Monday / 2-4pm Thursday
A warm welcome awaits you on a Monday morning and Thursday afternoons at Elm Ridge. Come and enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee or tea and cake in our Church Hall. On warm sunny days, take your coffee outside and experience the peace and tranquillity of our beautiful grounds. There is usually a game of Scrabble going on, or you can just come to chat and relax. There is no charge – donations are welcome. A Monday morning is a busy time in the life of the church and a chance to see what is going on at Elm Ridge, a good time to meet with your friends, or to make new ones. The Thursday Drop-in meets on Thursdays at 2pm for fellowship, chat, craft sessions and for tea and, of course, cake! A relaxing two hours and all are welcome.

Lunch Club
Lunch Club meets on the second Tuesday in the month at noon to share a simple meal. The food is prepared by Age UK and Elm Ridge provide the venue and the volunteers. Come and join us for a time of fellowship, food and friendship. For more information or to confirm dates, please contact the church office.


Registered Charity no. 1132005

Get In Touch

Circuit Office
c/o Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Carmel Road South
Darlington DL3 8DJ

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Darlington and Teesdale Methodist Circuit