Darlington & Teesdale Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Darlington and Teesdale
Methodist Circuit
the well church

The Well is a new church planted in the building that was Northland Church.

THE WHAT: What we are here for:
To love our community through radical generosity, unceasing intercession and abundant opportunities to meet Jesus and have a deeper experience of God's love and grace.

THE WHY: Why we exist:
Through the Spirit of grace we are committed to:

  • Being intergenerational in all we do.
  • Being incarnational in our service of each other.
  • Being intentional in our love for our neighbours and community.
  • Inviting others into a transforming, liberating relationship with Jesus.

Through our prayers and actions we want to see God's Kingdom come in Darlington and beyond.
We will belong
We will serve
We will grow

A little bit about our culture:
The members of The Wellare committed to intergenerational worship and serving our local community, our Sunday worship is very family focussed and is very lively, but there is something for everyone in every service. Our Sunday Service begins at10.30am or pretty close to that time and from 10am you are most welcome to join us for a small light breakfast.

Our Sunday services of worship include praising God (with child friendly songs) and there is also prayer, interactive storytelling, and a short sermon. We then as a community respond in various ways, creatively, in discussion, reflectively, whatever suits you best.

During the week the café and charity shop are open from Tuesday-Thursday between 10-2pm.

There are a range of groups meeting throughout the week, Boy's & Girl's Brigades, Toddlers, Lunch clubs, youth and children's groups and more. There is a permanent prayer room too. During holiday times we run MakeLunch which aims to tackle holiday hunger among families who
rely heavily on their children having school meals during term time, but basically feeding anyone who needs it.

We'd love to see you soon.


Registered Charity no. 1132005

Get In Touch

Circuit Office
c/o Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Carmel Road South
Darlington DL3 8DJ

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Darlington and Teesdale Methodist Circuit