Darlington & Teesdale Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Darlington and Teesdale
Methodist Circuit

Rev. Brian Hutton

brian hutton

Hello beautiful people of Darlington. I am Brian Hutton, born in Scotland, moved to South Africa as a young boy and now we are back home in the UK. I am married to Lara, we have two daughters Emily and Rachel and two dogs Hamilton and Drogheda. I love guitars, mountain biking, hiking and all matters regarding spiritual and church growth.

I have been told I have a British sense of humour, feel free to test this truth. I love good coffee, curries and Sunday roast. I am so happy to be amongst the open, resilient, hospitable and hopeful people of Darlington and just get a real sense Christ has called us here as a family for good reasons and for good things.

Let's hope and work and serve together and grow God's Kingdom in this beautiful area. I really look forward with excitement to being your minister/pastor/worship leader/outreach arranger/visioner and spiritual leader.

My favourite words of life and spiritual advice are from a poet named Rainer Maria Rilke:

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves...

God bless



Registered Charity no. 1132005

Get In Touch

Circuit Office
c/o Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Carmel Road South
Darlington DL3 8DJ

Circuit Map

© 2024 – Darlington and Teesdale Methodist Circuit