Darlington & Teesdale Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Darlington and Teesdale
Methodist Circuit


cockerton external

Cockerton Methodist Church is situated in the middle of the green in Cockerton village and enjoys ecumenical links with the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches also situated around the green. Each year ecumenical Lent Lunches are arranged with the venues shared between the three churches, and, at Easter there is a Good Friday Walk of Witness around the green incorporating all three churches.

A regular date in our Church calendar is the annual Cockerton Prize Silver Band Carol Concert which attracts great interest from the local community.

We have several long running groups which have met continually over the years. The Choir is celebrating 50 years of singing together with an anniversary concert on 19th October. The Ladies Group meets alternate Tuesdays with the Choir and provides speakers, outings and entertainment for its members. We also have a Methodist Guild which meets fortnightly.

Every week there is a busy Babies and Toddlers group, and our Girls Brigade is a thriving popular organisation which takes over the building (both halls and the Church sanctuary) every Friday evening.

The halls at the back of the Church are currently hired out to Weightwatchers, National Diabetic Protection Programme and the Baby Clinic, and so we see a variety of people coming onto our premises and using our facilities.

A monthly Lunch Club, run by our Church ladies, provides meals and friendship for those in the community. There is also an Art Group which brings in several locals.

Off premises we currently have four very different Housegroups meeting fortnightly. Two of the Housegroups have recently been following the Bible Month series on Colossians.

Our Church supports the local Foodbank in Cockerton which is run by the Anglican Church. One of our Church members is a volunteer who helps run the foodbank each week and our Church supports it by providing monetary donations as well as continuous food donations. Our recent Harvest Festival display was donated to the Foodbank.

Students from the local schools are encouraged to visit the Church. Over 50 pupils from West Park Academy visited the Church earlier this year to learn about Baptism and Communion, and on a later visit to study the difference between a Christian Church and a synagogue.

Our Sunday morning service is followed every week by coffee and refreshments giving people time to catch up and enjoy a chat. Last month we enjoyed a 60th Wedding Anniversary celebration of one of our members and were moved by the blessing they received from our Presbyter during our morning worship .

Cockerton Methodist Church has a Facebook page which mainly informs of the services details during the month and any events coming up.

If you would like to contact the church, please email: cockerton@darlingtoncircuit.org.uk


Registered Charity no. 1132005

Get In Touch

Circuit Office
c/o Elm Ridge Methodist Church
Carmel Road South
Darlington DL3 8DJ

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Darlington and Teesdale Methodist Circuit